02 April 2003

Corporate office politics

I usually make it a habit to avoid such annoying politics, but this was too fascinating to not record:

1) Admin is overworked horribly.
2) Admin tells Boss 1 (her boss).
3) Boss 1 told Boss 2 (my boss) that Boss 3 (also my boss) needs to have me do Boss 3's expense reports and travel arrangements because it's just too much for Admin.
4) Boss 3 told Boss 2 (b/c this made him mad) to tell Boss 1 to come to Boss 3 if Boss 1 had an issue with Boss 3's using the Admin for Admin work.
5) It's gets way complicated after that. Apparently this was the start.

The weird thing is, they went ahead and had me start doing Boss 3's expense reports and travelling, but since this takes about an hour a month, I'm not sure how this is going to help Admin's workload.

At first, I was annoyed, then mad, then amused.