19 April 2003

In two words: Exhausting Conversationists...and my reaction.

Let me explain. I was in my little happy world of Legal Beaglism when my world was suddenly infiltrated with engineers. Fortunately, I can usually follow the line of conversation relatively well, except I get to a snapping point, of which I have arrived tonight. This is when the constant battle of analytical logic is heaped onto the previous spat of analytical logic, hoping to disprove a different viewpoint that was also arrived with analytical logic. Born engineers have an amazing capacity to continue the onslaught of analytical logic to disprove or prove a point for eons. Born lawyers have an amazing capacity to not really give a damn of what another person thinks of their logic or point because they are right anyway. We also enjoy spats of analytical logic to prove or disprove a point, but when it gets down to it, and the conversation comes to a close (which happens far more quickly), you simply tell your disagreeing friend that they are wrong, in whatever terms you want, i.e., tell them to go to hell or whatever enters your mind because you are done with the conversation.

If you can't tell, I have recently come away fused from engineering analytical thinking...a lot of it. I mean, they can't even read the "store hours" sign without an analytical approach.

I probably shouldn't blog this, because it's late AND I'm fused, but hell, it's my blog, and I have a right to post my irritating thoughts as well as my good thoughts, with even a few insightful thoughts. Don't hold your breath for insightful ones though.