02 February 2015

Our Baby Bat

Eric really nailed it on the head when he described our Ellie.

 "Our wonderful little bat ... all that babbling she does must be her sonar."

 So that's why she talks incessantly! And I do mean incessantly. Sometimes I just watch her in complete amazement that any human can say absolutely nothing while talking literally 100% of the time for h.o.u.r.s.

So how did the revelation of her true nature of bat-hood come about?

 .... her glasses broke ....

You have to understand that her one eye is 20/200, a massive improvement with a lot of eye therapy from 20/400. They snapped perfectly in half at the nose with every attempt to cobble back together failing. Of course this was on a Sunday morning when all potention problem solvers were closed.

Two starting tumbles down the stairs, one door walk-in, and one "why did that wall move" later (she actually said that with no trace of humour), and it became very clear how important it was to escort her, especially on staircases. I just happened to be there for the two beginning tumbles, otherwise....

...and just for a bonus...
In my major effort to be Super Mum for a Day, I ran around optometrists to desperately find frames that could hold her lenses that bring her vision to an acceptable 20/80 level. In my great pride of effort, I won the morning, ran to the school, made the special efforts to get them delivered to her classroom, and hustled back home in time for a meeting. Settled in for a normal insane Monday with a late start, and I get a phone call from the school with the following message....

"Due to the fact that three snowflakes were spotted on top of Mt Mitchell 45 minutes north of here and the fact that it suddenly actually got cold, we are closing school and running for the hills screaming like little girls."

OK, maybe it wasn't quite like that, but that was what I heard. Bottom line, I could haul my rear end right back out the door and get my kid, after all my efforts to ensure she had glasses to survive the day.
