27 February 2003

Petty Women
This is so unbelievable. My coworker sat down to tell me (my director didn't have the guts to talk to me since he is a man) that my director has been receiving complaints on my "unprofessional dress." I was so stunned. My company is definitely not up on style OR professional dress. Trying to not knock midwestern style, but these people are the prime example of un-ironed khaki's with some ghastly sweater. Of course I don't wear nasty clothing like that! My coworker was actually near tears because she felt so badly for me that people would be so petty as that. She said that she explained to the director that I am wearing the style, but he said that the complaints were because they were too tight, etc. Ummmm...what are they wanting, feedsacks? My work clothes are not that tight. My MOTHER; my very conservative MOTHER felt that my work clothes were extremely professional. Even my coworker thought they were too, but apparently some people are out to make me miserable. I know who has complained too, that's what makes it so difficult. These secretaries are all mad because my position is above them (although I have no one reporting to me) and that the position wasn't posted (it was created specifically for me) and that I get an office cube, etc. It was totally unbelieveable how the list goes on for their complaints. They haven't even bothered trying to get to know me. They just snap my head off when I have to speak to them and then ignore me if I'm around. My two bosses think I walk on water - I told the other director that is over me about the complaints and he was so horrified. He said that he'll be expecting somebody to complain that he has a beard next! He said to ignore them and just realize that there's a really strong clicque and not try to please them, as it will be probably impossible anyone. He said to just talk to him if they won't work with me, which is fine. That made me feel better, but I'm still frustrated at such stupid pettiness...

25 February 2003

So happy!
Eric had a really good birthday tonight! I was really afraid that it wouldn't be very special since I didn't have much time to pull things together, but he seemed quite happy :) I bought him a new Coleman grill that can stand or be put into the trunk for camping trips. I also bought him two Angus steaks for him to use for the first time. I couldn't believe how good steaks can be on the grill! Mum and dad bought him antique drafting tools from 1910 in Scotland, so he seemed quite pleased. He looked torn between grilling his steaks and making circles with his drafting tools...and oh! I baked him a cake, which can be rather scary, but it turned out pretty good.
Why is it that I cannot browse one lousy page without a billion pop-up ads? I am so sick of them! I don't see how these are effective, because I can't believe that I am the only one the hits Alt-F4 just as quickly as they come up. Why is this such a popular ad campaign? This strikes me as the same kind of annoyance invasion of personal time as the telemarketers. It's just easier to "hang up" the pop-ups. *sigh*

24 February 2003

Blogger's Future

This article has some interesting detail (a little more than on the Blogger home page).

I also think it's funny how infamous action, such as security breaches, can either make or break something. Obviously, it made blogging!

"Pyra's Blogger.com suffered a security breach in October, during which unknown hackers seized control of individual user accounts and locked them out from their Blogger accounts. The company took the server that had been attacked offline and restored account information from backup files. The service was working again within a few days."

"But that it was attacked at all suggest that the blogging as a cultural phenomenon is about to enter a new phase in its growth. Those who last year had never heard of it will start handing out personal blog Web addresses alongside with their e-mail addresses. And that means that along with nearly everything else about the Internet, the mild cachet that came with being among the first to publish a blog will quickly evaporate with the mass stampede that follows."
Miss Marple-ing
Every spare moment (which are few) I have seems to have me sitting down on the loveseat or bed watching Miss Marple and eating a snack. It's sad that it takes me 3 days to get through a 1.5 hour video, but I'm happy that I get to watch her again. Agatha Christie is one of the most awesome English mystery writers, and Miss Marple is her best character. She has several good characters, including Poirot, but Miss Marple's the best! I hope I have my onions straight as she does when I'm that age. My emotionally-upsetting mother in law has visited Agatha Christie's home/musuem in Torquey when they went over to England for our wedding. Last time I was in Torquey the musuem was closed. So when "she" comes in talking about my favourite book-writer like she totally knows all of the mysteries (she's read ONE), I was greatly annoyed.

21 February 2003

Much better...
I feel SO much better after sleeping the day and night away :) Maybe I needed to feel puny to slow down enough to rest...one way or the other, the day of rest did me good!

20 February 2003

I was pretty sick today, so I zoned out on movies trying to forget about feeling crummy. As I watched the 3 hour rendition of Gettysburg though, I couldn't help but wonder at their bravery...both sides. I remember when I was a little girl walking the battlefield at Gettysburg and trying to imagine what it would be like to walk that mile under fire. When I see and feel things that are so amazingly fearless, I often wonder what I would have done in their place. I think of dangers we face today, but yet really don't in some respects. We talk of war in Iraq, and what N. Korea could do, but somehow, we, as Americans, are still so safe. I'm not knocking it, but sometimes fear that I would not stand up to my own death so well. I used to believe, when I was a kid, that I would die saving someone's life or dying for a special purpose, such as many of those soldiers. I don't think I will, but if that occurs, I hope that I can do it half as well as our past and present soldiers.

19 February 2003

I know that depression is a state of mind that is controllable, but it seems as though if one hurtful thing occurs, every little minor disappointment or issue explodes into a bigger deal. I need something like food or shopping to cheer me up, or a good movie to forget about everything...at least for a few hours! I definitely need to get my mind onto the world of positive...such as my competition Sunday or my club's tournament that I've been excited about :)

18 February 2003

...has to be the most annoying country in the world. They still think that they live in the during the age when they were actually the center of the economy. Hello France! You are no longer the center of issues. You are one voice among many, and I hate to break this to you, but others may actually differ with you!! Go to France sometime. You can't win. They won't speak to you if you try to speak French because "you're slaughtering the language" and they won't speak to you if you give up and speak English because "you should respect my country and language and attempt to speak French." Although I have always felt this (and don't think I'm biased to them, I do have quite a bit of French in me), I couldn't keep it in when I read this article. Granted, Chirac knows he's on a losing end, however, that doesn't give him any right to "bully", as to article so eloquently states, the smaller and newer EU aspiring members. What is this? You don't agree with all of our political statements so you can't be in the EU? Maybe these aspiring EU members will help some very old EU "sit back if it doesn't directly affect me" attitudes. Peace is good. Long term peace is even better.

17 February 2003

At first, I was hit with disgust that these cyber-beggers can't seem to take responsibility for their own debts by working hard and learning to avoid debt by good budgeting. But then...as I read on and realized how much money some of these guys are getting by cyber-begging, who can really blame them when idiots actually feed these guys. I totally comprehend hard times, but learn to budget. I'm big for charity and helping others, but I think this is going too far. There's such a thing as pride and personal responsibility! Maybe I'm being too harsh??
Thank you!
A big thank you to Neal and Sterno for their help in getting my blog looking presentable and having comment capability :)
Star Trek...or Star Wars?
I have been raised a staunch Trekkie, but I am open-minded for all science fiction. However, I was disappointed last night when Eric and I rented Attack of the Clones. It seemed rather predictable to me. For example, how long is the Senator of Naboo going to get away with constantly switching herself out with other people? It seemed brilliant for Star Wars' first episode, but it was getting old after doing it twice (so far where I'm at) in the second episode. I'll give Star Wars a lot of credit for developing other cultures though. I still think that Star Trek has them beat though...

14 February 2003

Well, my first Valentine breakfast for Eric was not as great as I wanted it, but it sufficed. I was going to get up really early and hand-make biscuits and gravy and eggs and bacon. Yeahhhhhh....he ended up getting the biscuits and gravy and hash browns from Meijer's, but I bribed him with chocolate milk, which seemed to be successful :) I'm dealing with my guilt by telling myself I'll make a nice big brunch for him on Sunday. We'll see!

13 February 2003

I apologize that my my blog is still under construction, but hopefully that will change soon :) My "always-beating-me-in-games" husband lost to me in Cribbage last night, which made me very happy. In the last 6 points, He smirked as he threw down a 4 to match for a pair, then I smirked as I threw down another 4. He tried my stunt with his 2's, but of course since he started it, my matching 2 already let me win. On a very good note, it seems that we may have a couple options for our Tae Kwon Do club (Dan Shi), and insurance will be somewhat reasonable. So my sleep last night improved!

12 February 2003

OK, I'm depressed now. The location where I have my club training has decided that we are too much risk for the sport waivers we've been doing for them, and requested 30 days or a fortune in insurance coverage. So now, my faithful companions are on the hunt for a new location, hopefully without breaking the bank! I'm so one-track minded. I know good things are happening to me, but all I can think about is the club. I can only pray for an unturned stone that turns out to be wonderful.

11 February 2003

A friend of mine has a cool little blog, so I thought I would also like to post my thoughts. I'll make this my Thoughtful Spot, where I can pretend that I'm thinking :) This week is both traumatic and wonderful for me. Wonderful in the fact that I'm planning surprises for my new husband for our first Valentine's Day while married ... and traumatic (no, not also because it's our first Valentine's Day married) because I just found out that the location that is allowing my Tae Kwon Do club (www.danshiclub.com) to train is not wanting to further their support, so I'm trying to gather up my resources and find a new location. *sigh* It's rather depressing, but I think it will be a hidden blessing if we can find a flexible and better located place!