30 April 2003

Fishing Anyone?
I'm not a great advocate for fishing, but more because it's deathly boring than cruel. However it has always bothered me that hooks rip the mouth of the fish so badly. Snagging season (in Michigan) really bothers me too. I could never watch it when my uncles and grandfather would go snagging because it just ripped into whatever they could literally "snag" to pull it out of the river. I never complained though because I love salmon!

An article quoting the head of PETA's just killed me though: "It's shocking that people will still go fishing for fun. We argue that for every cruel thing people do, there is a compassionate alternative." Ummm...would you rather us net them so they just suffocate instead of get mouth snagged? If you want to get down to it, all the methods of killing (especially fish) seem rather far from "compassionate." Considering that the fish market will not be going away, and the web of live will continue regardless of PETA, I thought that was a rather flimsy statement.