30 September 2003

Gorilla issues...
This gorilla incident really bothers me. Especially the quote..."Needless to say, until further notice, he is not going to be on exhibit." Why? Do they expect that if the gorilla has an opportunity to move beyond his little sphere, that he or she is not going to escape? Does that statement tell me that they believe animals are going to just walk in circles, entertaining the masses? The point of a zoo is to show wild animals, not tame little creatures that are going to sit in their cage peaceably. They seem to cover their excuse of the cage not holding them properly with, "They go through a stage where, physically and psychologically, they're growing much stronger, and become much more lean and long, and containment can be an increasing challenge at that age,". Ummm...it's a ZOO! Again, make a cage that works, or don't show beasts that will obviously maim or kill people if they get out. Don't take it on the stupid gorilla.