02 May 2013

Lovely Memories: Malta and Rome!

Memory Lane is especially pretty when it includes a wonderful December celebration of one's anniversary and Christmas in Malta and Rome! While it's somewhat pathetic that it took me five months get a nice little photo representation of our time, it makes the album compilation more enjoyable as all the memories come flooding back.

I blogged quite a bit during the trip, which was a great excuse to use my iPad and stalk free wireless. The whole experience was kicked off with a walk through Fiumicino, which was lovely. Maltese Days was posted during our "every-five-year" anniversary - honeymoon celebration in Malta, with GozoThe Hobbit ... in Malta! and with Moments in Time: Maltese Reflections representing our time in Malta and Gozo. Busy SidewalksChristmas Thoughts, and Roman Meanderings, were posted during our Christmas week in Rome,which was a wonderful time with my family.

NOW we have more pictures than just the few I shared in the blogs, and even more importantly, I have the sense of completion that we have the trip properly archived for future Memory Lane walks :)