11 September 2011


My skill set does not involve gardening. I realise those who know me closely are simply shocked by this confession, but not only do I do not garden well, I kill any thing that tries to stand in my path. Apparently there are silly rules such as watering and other minor care taking matters. It turns out that there are individuals out there that really understand the nuances of gardening, including my father-in-law. I've seen his garden many times from their home's window, but don't recall actually visiting it in the 9 years that I've been aware of it's existence. Close-up experience with it is very cool however, as it provides masses of amazing fresh food.

Since our hotel in DC was a residence hotel with a full kitchen, we decided to take up their offer of some fresh veggies. I took the bucket and started in gleefully. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of harvestable veggies, I asked how much, but apparently it's been harvested already quite a bit, so I piggishly take as much as I possibly can believe that I'd cook. I felt like I was completely out of control at a store that was having a 'free day'.

The food this week has been very happy filled with freshness and delight! It's amazing how much more cool it is cooking with what you've picked yourself than having delivered to you.