08 June 2008

So Proud
Some friends, including us, had gathered for a dinner party in the new home of our host. After taking a look at the wonderful paint choices made, I nearly wept with pride as we had an intelligent conversation on the effects of slate blue and slate grey. This was coupled with going into the "green room" and hearing the words "it has a cumin-y brown touch for a better avacado green effect" come out of his mouth. This called for a couple more gulps of my gin and tonic. I wasn't sure if this was the same person. Later, we were sitting in the living room examining the potential new colour of his dining room. "I was thinking perhaps a desert taupe." The females in the room completely grasped this, but another male in the room stared in confusion. "It has an orange tint, but it isn't nearly as vibrant as strong orange" was the explanation.

Pure unadulterated pride.

As a computer geek, he knew there were 65,000+ colours, but he is now experiencing the ephipany of the colours having names.