10 November 2008

Beating the Monday Blues

Feeling physically much better than last week, I was remiss to see that while my mood was positive for making something healthy and special for lunch, there's nothing in the house. No bread means no breakfast because my mind cannot register eggs without breakfast and my mind also cannot register breakfast with no eggs except for biscuits and gravy. My supplemented breakfast of some sort of greenish sludge that supposed to be insanely good for me helped for a mere hour before the need for lunch. Unfortunately, the cupboards are bare. There's dinner items, but nothing that I could really eat for lunch. My lunches are pretty light...in fact, you could call me the woman of many light lunches. I'm the classic user of elevensies, lunch, onsies, mid afternoon snack and tea.

I don't care for Mondays a whole lot because it's the day that I feel like I need to get a TONNE done in order to have a good week. No productivity on Monday means the week is trashed. This is possibly due to high expectations each week, but it's the best way for me to get that much done and not die throughout the week. Thus, I am happy to report that I have fulfilled lunch without wasting money or fat cells on fast food, or time going to the grocery store...via wine and chocolate.

There is some level of guilt for popping open the $25 bottle of zinfandel from our Kentucky wine trip to Equus Run just to have for a no-name lunch on a no-name day, but it's really good, and I console myself that it is now a special day due to the appreciation that will be bestowed on the wine. Besides, with the dark chocolate specifically noted to match well with the zin, aand my new German smoked Basil cheese (sorry, honi, all gone), life couldn't get much better. Unless of course I was sitting on a mountaintop surrounded by flowers and goats on a nice summer day.