12 January 2011

Movie Expansion

Two important changes occurred recently.
  1. Netflix was discovered despite my growling about 'new fangled crap' when Eric signed us up for an account.
  2. Ellen forced me into a commitment to watch only films I haven't seen.
Note all the cruel despotic behaviour that surrounds me :P The new use of Netflix was mostly due to my complete apathy when it comes to film watching. If I have a few I love, the re-watching occurs to a ridiculous level. The idea of learning something that isn't already required (it's easier than you think to get this way if you aren't already there!), was not something I wanted, but Eric convinced me to give it a shot. This directly leads into the second change where Ellen challenged me to a full year only watching films I haven't previously seen. This originally seemed a little horrific, but upon re-consideration with a few concessions of certain ones that must be re-watched (Lord of the Rings, Blue Planet, Planet Earth, etc.). However, the goal here is to not slip into our habitual re-watching and to look for new ones. The agreement includes books, but I never re-read books, so that's not a problem for me.

So here goes 2011 so far!

Law & Order: SVU - Seasons 1 and 2
All that Jazz
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Big Fish

I think I'll keep a running list of 2011 movies on my blog sidebar for the fun of it and to remember the new movies I've gotten to see with just a tiny bit of focus :) While I don't consider movies to be an essential aspect of life, this is an excellent perspective of how all of us can take little things and make sure we are continually expanding our horizons!