16 April 2013

Box Window Flowers on Steroids

I love box windows, but something special about our new home is that it has a gigantic shelf outside the windows for what I would call flower space on steroids! There's enough shelf space to actually garden outside if you don't mind crawling through the window....which nobody seemed to mind in the slightest. In fact, it took less than 10 minutes for every single member of the family including Chris to make a generic excuse to pop out and "wander the roofs" .... ha!

Preparations were a very serious affair, getting some seriously heavy pots out there, and then planning the flowers. Ellie was officially in charge of the petunias that would surround the stargazer lily pots. I certainly had an enjoyable time, and Eric very quickly adapted to the idea of leaning out the window for watering.

This is the lovely view we have from our dining room table; and now that my stargazers are in full bloom, we are greeted with the most amazing floral perfume throughout this half of the main floor!