02 June 2016

Creative Space

Creative space ... it's that important physical space where you have the freedom to innovate, blast through a backlog, and simply change your context.

The ambience is all important of course, but it's the presence of tea that makes or breaks the effectiveness of my thinking processes, whether it's a black tea heavy with bergamot and flowers, Assam black with local honey and almond milk reminiscent of Prague, or gigantic pots of Morrocan mint tea.

If I lived in Boulder, I'd seek that creative space in Asheville, going to Dobra for long afternoons of tea and hitting up my favourite breakfast at Cafe 64. But I live in Asheville, so I find that creative space in Boulder, where I spend long afternoons at Boxcar and hit up my favourite breakfast at Walnut Cafe.

Lord Bergamot at Boxcar (Boulder)
Lady Earl Grey at Ka Chu (Boulder)

The two cities are alike for me in many ways ... the excellent wine sources; the bookshoppes; the vintage shoppes; the hiking; the beautiful drives. However, I live in one, so I must visit the other often, creating a new level of appreciation for both contexts.

Boxcar, the source for wine, charcuterie, prepared picnic baskets, and pots of Lord Bergamot

When it's a busy time in the main coffee shoppes like Snooze, Laughing Goat, and Boxcar, I haunt Ka Chu

Most of all, though, it's being with people who are doing the same thing I am ... sharing energy, dreaming, and acting on those dreams. That is what I love about working in these environments.