18 July 2005

Stress Reducing Week
My nerves are completely raw with the past few days. I was attempting to be the perfect hostess for Eric's parents, getting ready for KTTS, extra TKD stress for next Saturday's promotion test, and living in an upside down home since it was being repainted. Now all of that is GOOD, but all at once in the same three days is BAD. The good news is that our house is freshly painted and beautiful! Eric's dad was so nice and did it for us (he's a professional painter). There were some minor stresses also, but those were definitely the biggie's. I typically just flow through everything, then fall apart afterwards, which describes my current my state of crash and burn. I'm very much looking forward to Pheonix, even if it IS going be really hot :) I'll be either in my air-conditioned resort or air-conditioned rental car...so it's all right. Plans for Pheonix include the Grand Canyon, planning Stargate's nemesis, and getting ready for my first few lectures at school in August. I bet I'll get more done with school and Stargate since I don't have the normal day-to-day distractions, especially since I enjoy both activities.