02 September 2005

New Schedule Established
Unfortunately, teaching academic courses is NOT the same as TKD where you just walk in and share your knowledge. The added requirements of preparation has thrown my transitioning (see post below) into a time of depression. I didn't know which way was up between the academic classes, TKD, website updates, Stargate, and other smaller issues, such as piano practice, my OWN TKD practice, and KTTS planning. Measures needed to be taken in order to regain my life. Since afternoons are clearly shot for the most part due to TKD, I needed to balance all these things out in the mornings. So now I address each issue once per week (one morning each) for Literature, World History, website updates, and Stargate. The other issues fit in each morning based on how much time I have. Although it is too early to really tell, it is proving successful so far by allowing the crushing weight on my chest to be relieved in order to enjoy my evenings and weekends better :)