22 November 2005

Either luck is completely on my side or the realms of evil are against me. I think it's both. I left my Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses in their case on my car top, then I drove off, only to watch the case get tossed off the roof and be crushed by tires. Lady Luck (or God) made the sunglasses pop out of the case and land in the grass just before the case met it's destruction. Next evil event was leaving my Fendi purse at Steak and Shake. Let's note that the Fendi is my favourite purse that Eric bought me on honeymoon in Rome, so I was beyond frantic and nearly kissed the waiter that returned it to me the next day. Then this morning I opened my door to a flower delivery man. While this is very exciting for any girl, it's devestating when he asks if I could hold them for a neighbor. What about ME? While I would love to mope how things aren't going my way, I just found out I don't have to teach tomorrow, so maybe the week will improve. *fzzt*