03 June 2009

Catching my breath....

I just realised that the last two weeks have been a little crazy, thus possibly accounting for overwhelming exhaustion from which I've finally started recovering this week. It was awesome having Ellen here for the first week and am annoyed that it took this many years for us to realise that we travel together really well. It's so nice to not have to finish sentences because the other person knows what I'm trying to say, and vice versa. Conversation was not stressful. Our humour is similar, as well as our penchant for...'oh, I'm feeling tired' and blowing off something that felt minorly important only hours ago, and feeling no guilt. Elle was a little beastly on occasion, but other than a couple remarkably horrible occasions, she handled it quite well given the circumstances of so much travel in such a short period. It helped that everything we did was dappled with 'oh, there's a park, let's have Elle run.' I've never been to so many parks in such a short time, but I think we all found it relaxing. The best and most exhausting day was hitting the charity shoppes in Chelsea. Finding Lush in the middle of that "expotition" was easily equal to finding a gold mine. That day was also special because it was Saturday, which is roughly translated as 'Eric's home and can watch Elle' :)

This second week has involved a lot of beer, sleep and work. There's been investigation of the adorable village and plan-making for the upcoming weekends. We're going to train out to the Virginia River area this Saturday, Pooh Country the following Saturday (although I'm not going to walk all over like I did last time...gah), and then hit the beach the last Saturday and possibly Sunday (can't decide between Brighton and Bournemouth). The discovery of five charity shoppes in this village alone defines my plans for tomorrow if I truly catch up on my work today. Woo!