11 September 2009

Always in waves...

Why does everything come in waves? There's never a consistent level of work in my line of work. After a month of designing and uploading three 13 week courses for PSEO general education, on top of convincing faculty that, 'yes, it could be fun to teach high schools college level work for college credit' (that didn't go well), my whole body wanted to collapse. Just as a perspective, a month is an incredibly short period of time for that amount of work. It takes several hours per course just to get it online, not counting the design effort and responding to expert reviews.

...and of course that's at the same time that two new core courses, two new electives, and two older courses with edits have to be finished and uploaded by Tuesday. My boss asked me when I could get a new project done that he threw my way last week. I started giggling hysterically.

Why is everything always so last minute? Mostly because the markets make us stay 'agile' and the trying to get curriculum completed way ahead time is defeating to the goal of providing current data to the students. Now that the core courses are nearly done for the BA, I spend the majority of my time on editing older curriculum to keep it up to date and keeping faculty current with technology. Special projects like PSEO are...well, special. Usually bullet to the brain special.

The bonus to waves is that once they are done crashing, it smoothes out a bit before the next wave starts. I'm forcasting calm seas for a couple months at least starting Tuesday :)

My eye of the storm has been reading The Kite Runner. Tea and reading is my break, and it's making everything calmer. Thank GOD for parents who like to visit and support us! Any bad karma that I have gained over time is nicely balanced with being born incredibly lucky.