04 August 2012

Five year old takes on role of tyrant....

I'm told that my 5 year old is smart, cute, adorable and is often laden with hugs and kisses from anybody she bothers to charm. Try raising her. A conversation today really exemplifies my point.

"Mom, I'm going to watch Diego today." (She knows I hate that whiny show)

"Did you consider the concept of asking?"

"Oh." *pause* "Can I watch Diago today?" (really honey tone dripping with sweetness)

"Sure!" (once again, she has sucked me in with her sweet voice that is ever so rare)

"Oh good." (reverts back to "you are my slave and shall do my bidding voice....) "I believe I shall watch two shows of Diago."

Time passes......

"Mom!!!! A hump backed whale is stuck on an island of rocks and he can't get into the water!!!!" (jerked out of my thinking process, I envision a hump backed whale in my front yard, and subsequently assume she's talking about the annoying whiny Diego show)

In a newly improved effort to break down the walls of generational confusion, I ask excitedly, "so what are you going to do for the whale?"

There is a flickering of impatience. "Diego will save the whale." This was followed by some eye rolling.

Right. My work never seemed more interesting than at that rejected moment.

Perhaps I should take lessons from the babysitter. Both Eric and I were fired as parents yesterday when I informed her that she would get to spend time with Marina, her favourite babysitter. Ellie was so excited that she filled her backpack immediately with enough food to last her two days, favourite stuff animals, crayons, a book and her iPad. Apparently this is the requirement for 5 year olds these days. (Please note that when she discovered it to be heavy, I was relegated to the duty of bellhop.) She then sat on the stair next to the front door for 30 minutes despite my explanations that it could be awhile. Finally, in my efforts to get everything about with her eyes staring at my every move with massive impatience, my phone rang. I swear that she gritted her teeth, but I sought to comfort her when I said "Oh honey, it's daddy!"

"Daddy" was also fired when she responded with "you can talk to him in the car."

About five minutes later she asked for the phone in which she explained that she needed to go to the babysitter's and she could Skype with him tomorrow.

I am still unclear who runs the household, but starting to get an inkling that it's neither Eric nor me.