22 December 2012

Moments in Time: Maltese Reflections

Nesting only a few blocks north of the best (affordable) shopping streets EVER in Rome (Cola di Rienzo), it's exciting to start the next part of our holiday. Celebrating Christmas so near the Vatican was something that I did not expect to repeat, so it is with all my hopes that we can get my parents into the Christmas Eve service that we so enjoyed previously.

However, before delving into all of that and sharing endless shopping orgasms for the next week, let me take a few minutes to reflect on some of poignant photos indicative of our different experiences in Malta! I'll have the full album set up when I return for those who want to dredge through a couple hundred photos between Malta, Gozo, and Italy, but for the "bottom line folks" (such as myself), I thought this a valuable post!

Classic imagery of Elle and me - one leaping child in constant motion with the focused fast walker trying to serve as both anchor and propeller.

While no pets or bicycles seem likely candidates for exclusion in the child's playground, there is a certain appreciation one must have that stilettos are also banned. I love the issues that Europeans must manage :)

This is a good capture of pure happiness in a favourite area of the world!

While some areas of the country may boast of friend chicken recipes on their linen, I found common Maltese dishes to be fun, such as rabbit, lampuki, and octopus. Sidenote: they are all very good!

A tired Elle announces she is done walking and plops in the nearest wee fishing boat until everybody finishes the market day experience!

There are some things that will never change regardless of location. Sitting outside some boathouses in Gozo, Elle still finds rocks amazing and Marian still finds reading relaxing.