23 April 2014

Tea Time

There is a pretty consistent ritual in our home on "normal" days ... tea time! This is possibly Ellie's favourite moment and she is greatly annoyed if it must be skipped. Other sources of annoyance to her in regards to Tea Time is if it's not formally served, and if everybody's not present / engaged. She will accept excuses if she deems them valid, but don't even waste time with an excuse of work related tasks. It simply won't fly.

Additionally, it must be at 5 o'clock on the dot. Granted, "tea time" rarely has the presence of actual tea, and it tends to be more of one's favourite drink that shall remain undefined. Food selection varies greatly but must also fit the category of "smackeral", as clearly defined by Elle.

This particular day was especially fine as it was moved to the back porch on a very nice sunny afternoon that wasn't too hot and wasn't too cold. As MOOGfest has distracted the other occupants of the home, we cherished a rare Girl's Only evening that involved more food than we could possibly eat, rambling around the house puttering with meaningless tasks, singing at the top of our lungs, banging on the piano, and reading fun books with unabashed shamelessness.

... you know, all the things we would never do publicly because then we would not be the all-efficient female species ensuring that the globe takes another spin on its axis successfully.


(archived post never to be published)