29 July 2015

First World Lunching Drama

Upon reflection, I realised how first world my lunch issues today actually were. But at the time, it was pretty tragic.

You see, it all started with my newly discovered lavender mint creme filled dark chocolate. Yeah. Exactly. Only the best of the best could be paired with such ambrosia.

As today was shaping up to be a dull day of slavery at the computer after a morning of bustling, I felt it appropriate to start it off properly with a proper lunch.

So, in pursuit of proper lunch, I opened my beautiful chocolate bar. I sniffed it. I gently caressed it. Then, I headed to my bar to make a proper gin and tonic with my lavender bitters topped with DRY lavender soda. (This only a day after I told my fitness trainer how good I am at eating properly.)

There was no DRY lavender soda.

I searched high and low, but only DRY vanilla soda. I inwardly raged at various local targets for not keeping it properly stocked. Standing there working through the grief cycle, I finally accepted that regardless of everything, I had to contend with the DRY vanilla soda as my mixer.

Life just sort of seeped out of me, but I rallied nicely by remembering how well bourbon and vanilla went together.

One sub-standard drink made later, I crawled sadly up to Ocean Room to tackle endless tasks of boringness, suddenly feeling the urge to watch the entire Bab5 series.

There lay the beautiful chocolate, rejuvenating my spirits nicely. On comes some nice ragtime music and I dance around a little before settling down to work.


If they call that creme filled, then they have been given a crappy childhood. Seriously. My tongue searched hopelessly. Finally, I visually spot a drop or two of the stuff that greedily take in, now beyond hope with grumpiness and despair.

Yes, it tastes fine, but they said it was lavender mint creme filled. They lied and I sit here a victim of society, drinking bourbon and DRY vanilla soda with sub par creme chocolate.

I shall persevere. Somehow.