22 August 2004

*delete Saturday*
Some days are simply not worth existing, thus I believe we should have the ability to delete a day once it's painfully obvious that the continuation of such a day is only going to worsen.

Let's review the first 4 hours, and we'll see if you can agree with me. I woke up in a panic because I needed to post several important letters before Tae Kwon Do because I thought the the Post Office closed at noon. Since we could never get ready and post the letters in time together, I sent Eric to the PO and planned to meet him at Jireh. I was determined not to be late to class for the 4th Saturday in a row, especially since I was the instructor.

Eric's gone, uniforms are in hand, I have the Jireh keys. What could possibly go wrong? You can shut the door, lock it, and then realise that your house and car keys are on the other side of the door. Swearing doesn't unlock doors either, in case you ever experiment with that method. A panicked phone call (thank God I had the cell) to Eric quickly brings him back to the house without getting time to post the letters.

We rush down to Jireh, and on the way, I realise that class doesn't start at 1030, but 1100. We were not 3 minutes late at 1033, but were actually 27 minutes early. This realisation nearly broke my sense of existence, as I was instantly newsflashed that I got up too early and was at class way to early.

Does it get worse? Oh yes, much worse.

We get down to Jireh, only to realise that there are only some 500-600 people milling around the facility as it was a giveaway day for backpacks. How our training area was untouched is beyond me, but the challenge of getting students through that crowd was more than frustrating. Since I had no warning, it's tough to post a warning to the students.

I decide to try and start this miserable day over through disc golf. Warning: never try and improve a day with a sport of which you're not especially proficient. It just causes anger. I managed to dump 4 discs in the creek and lose 1. Feeling guilty over Eric's complete kindness to me throughout the loss of his discs and my random mistreatment of him during the morning, I decide to go into the woods to help retrieve the discs. Please note that I was wearing a brand new exercise top. My fear of poison ivy is beyond proportion, so I was carefully tiptoing through the forest (well, it seemed like a forest) as much as I could with sandels. I successfully got down a muddy hill without a smudge on my shirt. The only misconception that I had was that I could get back up, and since I was trapped between this mud hill and a fast flowing 3ft deep creek (it seemed that way at least), tears began to appear since there was a distinct possibility of cool new shirt getting dirty, or worse, ruined.

Eric wisely assumed that post-mud/creek trauma, Broadripple shopping would be a good choice, therefore some of the day was saved.

Oh, did I mention that distinct symptoms of a cold started that day too?