09 November 2004

I am so confused how I had a nearly empty month, and then suddenly, there's something important each week that takes tonnes of planning and preparation. How does this happen?????? For example, tonight I have to have a speech for self-defence for the University of Indianapolis ready, along with an interactive demo for the group. Everything's pretty well ready, but it took awhile to prepare. Saturday's a demo for Jireh Sports, who wanted their after-school program to be ready for a Tae Kwon Do demo for their fundraiser. May I please interject the fact that these kids have trained a whole six weeks. Getting together a demo that everybody could participate, and be impressive, pretty much stretched my creative abilities. Actually, it's working, but I'm not uncrossing my fingers until after the demo! Oh, Friday, I need to have all of the flavour text completed for my very first RPG session. It's pretty much done too, but getting all these things ready for just this week has been nuts. Again....how is this happening to me?????? Next week, I get the pleasure to sub for Dad's Personal Finance class at IWU, which is completely exciting because that's my major, but completely intimidating too. I have to come up with 2 hours of babbling about taxes, banking and consumer credit. That's not hard, but I have to be ready for interactive discussion, which seems rather scary. Oh, and when did I come up with the crazy notion to make all of my Christmas gifts? I am more determined than ever completely and utterly sluff all four days of Thanksgiving before even thinking about December. Oh yeah, school's in there somewhere. I guess I should add that to the priority list...*grumph*