19 November 2004

Tapioca Pudding....Yum!
Why, you ask? Why does Tapioca pudding sound so good? Because my throat is rougher than a wash board, which is a clear sign that I'm getting another FREAKIN' COLD! It's like every bleedin' time I get the opportunity to enjoy life, my body mocks me and releases the germs that it's been holding without my knowledge. It doesn't seem to be bad, fortunately, and I'm vengefully retaliating with every cold medication known to man.

The good news is that the rumour is true...Marian's stress has lowered to a more manageable level now that subbing for the Finance class is complete. It was an awesome experience though. I've never lectured for three hours (with appropriate breaks of course), but I managed to keep them from falling asleep. In fact, they were writing quite a few notes, so that made me feel worth something. The exciting part was nobody was yelling, running around the room, or other 6 year old antics that I have to manage with Tae Kwon Do :) It was very addicting...