31 October 2006

The Best Holiday...
...is of course, Halloween! Let's review the pros.

Costumes are fun.
No obligations to families.
Fun parties are always to be found.
Orange is it's dominate colour.
The holiday stems from ancient Celtic tradition, which is cool historically.

I know there's more, but I can't think of any right now. The sad part was that a lot of people couldn't make it to my party due to travelling, which is understandable, but unhappy. It was still fun...around 15 people scattered throughout the evening, although not enough for the amazing Scavenger Hunt. I'm saving the coolness of that game for next year :) We could have done it with 15 people, but we needed them there at the same time.

The costumes were awesome though! My costume was probably the cheesiest (pregnant Catholic school girl)...and I have to note, when you see two years in a row with somebody seriously committing to a hair change (half of hair shaved, and now a 7 year beard gone), you have to be impressed with something. I'm not sure what, but that's pretty cool.