24 July 2009

Time for Self

I usually think that I take time out for myself, but yesterday's afternoon at the spa reminded me that I really don't, or at least not enough. It was a little bit of heaven to be placed in an environment where raising your pinky finger is definitely not expected. The host's face of shock that I actually got up and walked from the steam room to the front for my massage (didn't wait in the lounge) was really a wonderful feeling. Laziness is not only accepted, but condoned! The fact that Tazo is their tea selection and Aveda is their main product line made it even better. I was drowning in tea by the time I left, complete with relaxation from the massage, manicure, and pedicure. It's so nice that each one felt the need to do a little extra massage.

The masseuse told me that he was from or lived in Hawaii for a long time (Maui), and so of course I asked why the hell he was in Denver. I mean, Denver is nice, but on the scale of Maui... His response was "oh you know, the island life, it gets a bit tedious." Really? I explained to him that there is no way I could understand that. A 100 square foot marooners island with a lone palm tree maybe, but Maui? I must test this theory out and see if it's really all that tedious :)