08 December 2011

An exceptionally fine morning....

Despite my lack of morning prowess, this morning was an exceptionally fine one. After a night full of weird dreams and nightmares, I found the alternative of getting up a little early tolerable. Knowing that I had an 11a meeting, ie, before afternoon, did not please me, so I expected morning activities to be tinged with a bit of grumpiness. And I tried to maintain my status quo, but I failed.

A morning at a grocery store seemed to be the best way to maintain my grumpy state for a fine contribution of my presence in the meeting. However, the world was against me. Standing in the deli waiting for my turn to order cold cuts, this lady would not stop talking to me. I don't particularly care for talking at all in the morning, and I really hate to be chatted "at"...so this was a promising sign that my grumpy state would increase. However, she accidentally engaged me. I was rather upset with this as I actually smiled during this conversation. I would have to make up for that bit of friendliness and cheer later in the store.

Moving into the other aisles the morning stockers were very kind, always popping out of the way for my cart. More cheer. What the hell is wrong with the world? Finally I get to the cash-out lines and discover there is only one very long line. Excellent! I can stew in my bad behaviour and criticism...until the manager and co-manager opened a new line and personally escorted a few people, including me, into a new line, and were most professional. That's it. I gave up. Clearly The Fates had destined my day to be positive and I had to accept it. Embracing this new mindset, I smugly handed over my 'free drink' rewards card from Starbucks for the most expensive drink I could possibly think of, and gloated my whole way home of how lovely the morning was.

Mindsets are amazing things.