22 December 2011

Medical Drama

There are currently five medical problems that I am experiencing. I was only aware of one, and the onset of the second issue is what drove me into the MedCheck at 330am in the first place, but now I feel like one of those old people with the squeaky voice who's only conversation quality is a comparison of how many things were wrong with them.

The cold...check. Had a pretty good idea of it's existence.

The infection....definitely check. Thus explains the 330am visit to get through our wonderful system for drugs.

The back...ok, well, yeah. I knew something was wrong with it because the muscle, not bone, popped when I picked that box up incorrectly. The incredible pain and complete lack of motion range were additional clues. Also, when you've trained in martial arts for more than a decade, torn muscles and fractured bones are a little ho-hum. However, this issue seemed to be a far bigger deal to everybody than the reason I was there. At least I got some nice pain killers out of the trouble.

Stage 1 hypertension blood pressure....wow, could you make that any more dramatic? Also, could we consider the fact that my blood pressure is going to be through the roof as you list all the things that are wrong with me when all I want to do is sleep peacefully?

Let's see, there was one more, but I forget, and it's likely to not be important. Regardless, I think that I left MedCheck slightly more depressed than when I entered. At least I have home and drugs now, although I'm concerned that my little apothecary of orange pill dispensers from the pharmacy also reeks of old person issues.

Now to pack for a wonderful trip to a warm(ish) beach for the Christmas holiday week, which is by far the most likely best medicine I can get.