21 June 2013

Mt Greylock's Anger: Hike #2

After a two day recovery from the hike up to Mt Greylock's summit in the Berkshires, we determined to have another attempt. (Remember that the soft socks had lulled us into the belief that everything would be all right.) However, we decided to handle the planning a little differently. Walking into the visitor's centre, I announced that we would like a trail that wasn't so long and arduous as what we did a couple days ago (it was highlighted on our map), but we wanted to see waterfalls again. This was greeted with some mild sarcasm that our previous walk was dubbed "Moderate", was only three miles, and that waterfalls tend to limit themselves to difficult locations by their very nature. Immediately conflicted with the inward horror that the trail was moderate and feeling insulted with the obvious science lesson, I realised that I had somewhat asked for it with my clearly new hiking boots and yoga pants - let's say we, or at least I, did not particularly look like a sage hiker. 

Do you see me? I'm up on top of a rock half asleep pretending that I was a magister taking a break after a day of adventuring. (Don't tell anybody that I said that!) Ellen's down staring into the water. I think she's spotted a fish.

Coming down to the waterfalls was a pleasant enough trip and we were quite happy and relaxed. 

Going UP from the waterfalls was a nightmare. I had this sudden fear that this was another "Moderate" ... being that out of shape was really going to upset me, so I stopped by the centre again and was relieved to find out that it indeed was assigned the status of "Strenuous". 

Thank God. My ego may stay intact.