11 June 2013

One Day at a Time

When your personal kanban board looks like this for the week, and you have to get it done by Friday because of travel on Saturday / Sunday, there is a choice. That choice is to take it one postie at a time and remember to self-care, or to let the board control you into a frenzied mania of unstoppable work. For anybody that knows me, the latter is usually my choice, but I am happy to say that on this second day of a harrowing week, I chose the former and I am at a sustainable pace with ten cards GONE.

Who knew that walking away every now and then to sit on the porch with a drink actually works.

Who knew that taking the time to discuss the important world of Ponycraft (Minecraft with a Ponyville mod) with Ellie would not destroy my productivity?

Who knew that puttering breaks keeps me from crashing and burning by 4p?

Granted, it was a long day (7a to 1a), but I am proud to announce that the last four of those hours was indulging in one of my favourite movies, actually engaged, and not asleep :)


Also, one day at a time is a valuable mindset.