01 July 2013

New Beginnings....

I never would have believed that I may shed tears as I eagerly stepped into a new chapter of my life, but writing my reflections post in my professional blog created quite the swallowing tasks as as my emotions started welling up. The opportunities that I have received throughout my life have been truly wonderful, and I must never forget that.

However, I also welcome the new chapter with open arms, although sleeping body may be more appropriate. Since my last day as director, I have slept long healthy hours, feeling excited and refreshed, while mortified with the time on the clock. I presume there is some overarching exhaustion that has embedded itself into me and will take time drain out.

Meanwhile, my priorities have remained the same, but this time I can actually act on that prioritisation :) This is excellent news for my family, dissertation, consultancy, and the rambling house that demands so much attention! I do believe I'm approaching a more normal balance to life. Elle is beyond happy, and frankly, that is the best test of the decision being correct.