05 December 2013

'Tis the season....

After a solid week of festive eating that included my cranberry chutney, tangerine-cranberry conserve, pies, duck, chicken, and turkey all stuffed with a variety of fruits and breads, I lurch from the dinner table into the new season of Christmas! While I am rarely tempted down the path of the Christmas card trap, I figured out a way to make it meaningful at least to myself. Let's make the point clear that I am in no way an artist, but a person who loves to play with paint. I did take a watercolouring adventure, and between my own imagination and seeing an example of what the artist did, I was officially inspired for my Christmas postcards. 

Shockingly, they did not turn out the way the artist did it (I know, HUGE surprise!) ... however, I rest in the knowledge that I did not have a bamboo brush as she did. Although I would love to have a bamboo brush (massive hint for all the people who have yet to rush out and get me a gift), I also recognise that there will be less of an epiphany and more of a confirmation that there is a little more difference than the brush ... LOL!

Regardless, I had fun! Frankly, that's what counts for me, and perhaps the aura of joy I had is embedded and can be felt by the recipient. For those who like sappy thoughts, re-read the last sentence. For those of who you do not like sappy thoughts, walk away and fix yourself a drink.

Ellie gets to do her cards tonight. For those on her list, I have NO idea what they are getting. It could be a Christmas tree painting, or it could be a drawing of a T-rex eating a herd of water buffalo. Either is equally likely.