29 September 2014

Garden Love

There are times when I question why we bought a rather large home and rather large yard with, well, rather large responsibilities for maintaining them! Combined with two neighbors who also maintains gardens, then you start seeing some very nice benefits to the established home life. Not that our lives are particularly established, but we can at least pretend to be in certain areas :) This beautiful scene can be attributed nearly 100% to garden activity, with the lemons and onions being the only exception. While Eric raged about there being only four tomato plants, we are now overwhelmed with them ... tomato and mozzarella ... tomato sauce ... fried tomatoes ... roasted tomatoes ... how many ways are there to cook with tomatoes? We're finding out. But really, the apple, or in this case, apples, of my eye are my lovely eggplant and butternut squash. Sadly Mr. Butternut is the only one of his vines to make it but I'm happy to report that despite the perfection of Mr. Eggplant, still more are coming on the vine. He has already contributed nicely to the dinner table with a veg lasagna. Mr. Butternut's final destination is yet to be completely determined, however likely my amazing squash soup. I love fresh garden veg!