15 March 2016

The AVL Vote

Example ballot cards everywhere. Stacks more on the table next to the voting room door. People pick them up, look confused, and put them down.

Over and over and over again.

I pick one up, and see the problem. ALL of these example ballots are Republican. Shuffling down the long hallway of 100+ people, for what has been the biggest turnout in my experience, the aforementioned table is reached.

In the middle, carefully taped on all sides, lay the lone remaining Democratic ballot example.

People exclaim "oh here it is!" .... over and over and over again.

If I had any doubts that AVL was democratic to the core, it was soundly erased today.

But which Democrat?

Well, I don't know what North Carolina will do, but I can be pretty certain that our county is Bernie's. Outloud exclamations like "can't we just push a Bernie button and move on???" in the middle of the line are not unusual, and always greeted with a murmur of agreement.

Frankly, Bernie scared me. I consider myself fiscally conservative; however, if Bernie's financial planning is a bad dream, then the Republican ticket is a current nightmare. That was enough to drive me to the Democratic party (previously non-voter), but I still had qualms about a pure socialist in the High Office.

Then I read this article.

10 Reasons Why Conservatives Should Start Supporting Bernie Sanders Immediately

Oh, how it resonated. I was fearful about throwing my vote to somebody purely on the desire, craving even, for somebody with principles, but this afternoon, I had no qualms.

While I remain depressed about the super delegate bullshit, I'm happy to sit in line for an hour to at least provide influence towards a popular vote ... 1 vote at a time.