24 February 2004

Roughing It
As I packed my little Saturn Coupe to the maximum capacity level of suitcases full of clothes, shoes, and other accessories, not counting the snacks, books, Gameboy SPs, and other required paraphenalia for a 10 day road trip, I realised just how difficult it would be for me to only take necessary clothing on a hiking trip. Since my goal is the Appalacian Trail, I've been really attempting to grasp the level of primitiveness that I will have to endure. One part of me is pumped full of excitement to rely on sheer human ability to travel such a distance without technology (except for a digital camera and small camcorder), while the other part of me shudders in fear and anguish with the concept that I will not have several changes of clothing for my mood, or electricity. You are reading about a woman that has a mini-fridge in her bedroom so she doesn't have to travel that annoying distance of one floor down to the main fridge.

Now that I'm becoming more and more aware of the small to no amounts of comfort items that can be taken on a hiking trip, I am starting to think the hardest part of training will be adapting to this huge culture shock of having everything at my fingertips to having to work for the most basic survival.