06 October 2005

LOTR...and gift shoppe rant
Watching each movie of the triology over the space of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each night from 9pm - 12am was exhausting, but well worth it. There were some points of falling asleep for a few moments, but I can say that I survived 90% of it. Thank god they weren't the extended versions for the sake of my staying awake. The exhibition was AMAZING. We got in the midnight opening right after the ROTK's ending and it was SO well worth staying awake. I knew there was a tonne of work involved with creating the costumes and props, but seeing them in real life added a certain awe to the movie production. The gift shoppe, however, COMPLETELY SUCKED. There was so much anger with the complete ugliness of the pewter sculptures of Aragorn, Legalos, etc. Seriously, Bloom and Mortenson should sue. To have my face so poorly representated would be horrifying. The really stupid thing is that if it would have been good, I would have happily forked over the money to add to my collection. I couldn't help but notice the lack of purchasing of the ugly sculptures, which seemed to be the highlight of the gift shoppe. Oh, may I just note the scary light saber Sting sword. Figuring they had the actual collector weapons there, I was looking at Sting. Then one of the customers picked it up (a little too easily thus giving me the impression that is was ...gasp... plastic!?!) and flicked it. Yes, yes it did. It flicked to blue. It's a freaking light saber! How could they take the greatness of Sting and put down to that level? While several more examples of poor marketing existed, I can't talk about it...it's too upsetting.