04 October 2005

These last two weeks have been insane with stress and exhaustion in preparations for Kick to the Stars, BUT, it was an awesome success with $2100 profit for our after school program children's uniforms, gear and tournament registration fees. So it's a wonderful relief that it 1) went well socially, and 2) went well financially. My form of recovery is complete fun...yesterday, tonight and tomorrow is one of the LOTR movies in order at the IMAX downtown, complete with midnight showing Wednesday of the movie exhibit. May I say right now that the gift shop could have Eric's paycheck in serious jeopardy ;) The opera is Friday, then Ren Faire and hockey Saturday, and AU at Fiddy's Sunday! Let's note that the ONLY stressful item this week involves teaching all day Wednesday, but that's every Wednesday, so I just accept that as normal. Actually, the rest of October is looking really awesome as far as doing fun things...busy...but FUN busy...which is important!