17 October 2007

Books Enlightening our Mindsets
I always consider it a mistake to read more than a couple books at a time. Typically, it's much easier to buzz through one book at a time...in my opinion. However, these three books are easy reads, very enlightening, and go hand-in-hand with each other.

French Women Don't Get Fat I was instantly insulted. As usual the Frogs think they are better than the rest of the world. I was also intrigued though, and my curiousity overcame my pride. Firstly, it's true. Go over there. Eighty year old ladies will buzz by you like you're crippled. All the guys are deliciously fit and most of the girls are annoyingly well in shape. Then I started reading it. Yes, it's true. You can enjoy food, eat wonderful food, and not overeat. Guiliano does a fantastic job of helping people not eat what I call "American portions" by shrinking your stomach and teaching you some minor disciplines, then she introduces delectible and easy recipes for those every day meals. It truly is the "secret of eating for pleasure" while losing weight and staying trim...depending on your current status. This book does a wonderful job giving us a "mindset".

Next, speaking of the term mindset, is the book Mindset by Dr. Dweck. I can only say it's changing my life. My perspectives. My thought processes. It takes the cliche terminology of "dumping the fixed mindset for a growth mindset" and makes it meaningful. I guarantee, as I am almost finished with this book, it will change your perspective in something, if not everything.

Finally, we come to Veronique Vienne's The Art of Being a Women. Another Frenchie! If you have not detected my negative bias of the French yet, I'm not too crazy about them. My experiences in their country and with their people has left me with a taste of their insecurity and arrogance that is annoying. So you KNOW that if I'm recommending two French authors, they are writing well. This book is great for men and women. Again, it focuses on mindset. A lot of us think that women wait for men to disappoint us and that it's a rat race with other women to be TOP woman. Well, isn't it? This book will change that perspective and make these seeming hurts and disappointments into fun, laughter, and happiness. Don't believe me? Read it.

You don't have to go crazy and read all three at once, but they are fast reading, and very enlightening.