28 October 2007

Expanding Movie Horizons
I enjoy movies, but I get into ruts... Really bad ruts focused on certain sci-fi and English shows. I am probably one of the most close minded movie/show people ever. This seems odd to me since I constantly crave things being different, changing up my life, going to new places and doing new things. Movie watching, however, is definitely kept in a certain comfort zone that I'm trying to expand. I think part of the problem for me is that type of entertainment is not a favourite for me. I really do enjoy movies, but part of my brain simply cannot comprehend good "bad" movies, or to watch any sort of movie just to experience it; therefore, I stick to my comfort zone because I know what to expect. I console myself with the thought that some people do not enjoy opera or Broadway shows or a certain style of art, which is certainly acceptable. Despite the occasional fear that I'll waste hours of my life, I'm realizing that I'm really missing out by not being more open to different movies. I mean, I waste time with books that turned out stupid (you have to finish them!), or a play that disappointed me (you can't walk out), or just stared into space daydreaming. So why not take a risk on movies? Thus my trek down the supernatural movie line. It's been quite interesting so far, and while I always have a knee jerk reaction, further analysis of each one has always led to a positive insight. This is my list of supernatural movies watched so far.

The Crow
Immediate Reaction: The retribution got a bit old.
Further Analysis: Appreciated filmmaking and ambience the movie had.
Immediate Reaction: Loved it.
Further Analysis: Well put together, well paced, deep.

The Ninth Gate
Immediate Reaction: Is it over yet? Is it over yet? Is it over yet?
Further Analysis: Enjoyed the perspective of the rare book world, but the ending seemed...weird at best.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Immediate Reaction: Really enjoyed the trial perspective, and the struggle between the supernatural and the explained.
Further Analysis: Same.

30 Days of Night
Immediate Reaction: Why am I watching this?
Further Analysis: Despite the hopelessness, the continual survival and choices the humans made kept your attention.

Dark City
Immediate Reaction: Smacked of Matrix-y type stuff.
Further Analysis: I was sick when I watched it, thus not very focused, but found the twists and turns interesting.
Stir of Echos
Immediate Reaction: Loved it.
Further Analysis: Realistic enough to make you think it could happen.