08 April 2009

Combating Bitterness

Sometimes it's very hard to combat bitterness when you are given reasonable commitments, and then are given unreasonable delays to fulfill them. January was supposed to be the month of our new life, but as delays crop up with an overly bureaucratic company, disbelief and bitterness develops. It's an amazing opportunity with so much potential for our family, but somehow those awesome chances often take a lot of patience and work. It wouldn't be so bad if we were jumping the gun constantly, but the date is constantly moved on us, making it impossible for us to commit to anything on a long term level.

In a grandiose effort to check out the bright side, we are already in a good position, even if it's not the favoured position. I mean, we are sheltered in a nice condo, we have an excellent income, and enjoy travelling and life in general. It gives me pause to bitch too much, even though I'm anxious to make a lifestyle change.

Also, another interesting point is that since we can't commit to anything long term and we're done with our house upgrades, we have more time to enjoy our style of living on our own schedule. It's so easy to become trapped into a 'rut' and lose sight of the enjoyment of what is done in the 'rut', and that is becoming more obvious to me as our lives are becoming more free.

While this doesn't remove the frustration of stupid delays and the irritation of not knowing the magical date, it is a time of positive reflection of how fortunate we really are.