04 April 2009

A New Balance

Contact martial arts have been a strong component in my life, but a renewed interest of Yoga and Tai Chi has me expanding my scope. I have to say that the balance between the three have been especially helpful to me. Basic stretching and Tai Chi on a daily basis has been a consistently calming yet energising effect for me, while a bit of Yoga gives me a sense of better well being. I'll never abandon my favourite contact martial art, Tae Kwon Do; in contrast, I think that Tai Chi and Yoga help me improve my abilities in Tae Kwon Do. Tai Chi practices slow, consistent flow and movement that focuses on the breathing, resulting in astoundingly positive effects on my mood and energy for the entire day.

The bottom line to these arts is that they compliment each other so well for the practitioner. The qi or chi energy (prana in yoga) is greatly improved with practicing all three arts that I mention. I'm certainly not an expert of internal energy, but I am quickly seeing the benefits of my new balance of arts.