04 October 2013

Here we go....

The ER visits were bound to get started. After all, Elle is six years old, and it seems that is the time kids start "experimenting" at whole new levels. Why Elle thought it would be appropriate to do a 360 backflip off of the back of the couch will always be a mystery, especially to her, but her personalised feedback of five stitches on the chin was more effective than any kind of warning I could have given.

I must say, she was possibly the bravest person ever when it came down to brass tacks and had to have almost ten anesthetic shots directly in her laceration. Yes, they certainly put on a topical before the anesthesia shots, but they were still braced for the screaming. Shockingly, nothing came except for severe shaking. It's possible that I was crumbling like an autumn leaf in the wind, wishing to God that I could take it for her and reliving my own stitching experiences, but she was utterly perfect for them. It is my guess that she had an intrinsic knowledge that moving, yelling, or talking would make the situation worse, but still.

The hospital rewarded her with with not one, but TWO cuddlies to take home :)

Sadly, the next day, she tried to flip off the chair. It would appear that this lesson applies only to the couch, and not to the concept.

Yes, many more trips to ER. I see them coming.