24 February 2003

Blogger's Future

This article has some interesting detail (a little more than on the Blogger home page).

I also think it's funny how infamous action, such as security breaches, can either make or break something. Obviously, it made blogging!

"Pyra's Blogger.com suffered a security breach in October, during which unknown hackers seized control of individual user accounts and locked them out from their Blogger accounts. The company took the server that had been attacked offline and restored account information from backup files. The service was working again within a few days."

"But that it was attacked at all suggest that the blogging as a cultural phenomenon is about to enter a new phase in its growth. Those who last year had never heard of it will start handing out personal blog Web addresses alongside with their e-mail addresses. And that means that along with nearly everything else about the Internet, the mild cachet that came with being among the first to publish a blog will quickly evaporate with the mass stampede that follows."