31 December 2004

Last Minute 2004 Updates

1. I got an awesome new digital camera. Eric believes that it's a combination purchase, not realising that I've laid claim to it.

2. The bastard or bitch that stole my Burberry friend and debit cards managed to get $400 more dollars fraudulantly purchased before the cancellation went through. The affadavits are on the way to contest everything though.

3. I'm really looking forward to the next major trip: Mexico. The snow and cold may have impact on that excitment.

4. I never want to relive 2004 again because that would mean re-doing several classes with some nutty people of whom I'd rather never meet. Some were cool though.

5. Ellen just left the house after completely re-vamping her website colours. Unfortunately, I cannot lay claim to more jewelry for doing the work since she's catching on quickly on how to change colours and did the majority of the work.

6. I finally updated the Halloween pictures in the game website!

7. I'm really looking forward to tonight's celebration into 2005 with the Manhattan Brass Band downtown and a party afterwards.

Happy New Years!