20 October 2008

A baby-free week each month

The concept might sound cold, but I'm betting that the larger percentage of the parenting population would drop their jaws with the excitment of having a baby-free week every month. I love my baby unbelievably, but it's important to have personal space. Maybe I require more than the usual, or maybe I'm just spoiled, or maybe I don't require it and it's just an awesome gift of fortune to have parents fully supporting that.

While it's true that once you have a child, they never completely leave your mind. However, the insistent thoughts of "where is she", "when did she eat or drink last?", is she lonely", should I take a break now or later to play with her", etc. aren't so vivid because, well, she's 200 miles away and those questions become moot.

Also, there is the recognition of not needing to acquire a babysitter for even quick things like getting hair styled, nails done, massages, out for drink, etc.

Both of us being an only child has it's downsides on occasion also. She wants to watch a DVD, but so do I. I want to play the piano, but so does she. She wants to read, but I'd rather read something above a popup book (even there are some really cool popup books out there!). I want to settle into the couch for nice little lunch of tea, wine, and risotto with the Smithsonian, but she wants to eat at the same time on my lap. There are some time jealousy issues of when I need to work that make it difficult occasionally too, although she's getting much better at that now that she has concepts of time.

Don't get me wrong, this is all great stuff, and the fact that she enjoys what I enjoy and that we do so much together is really cool. I'm just excited to not have to take turns for a few days :)