18 October 2008


There's always something sad about losing pet(s), but there are two species that affect me so terribly when they pass. Rabbits and birds. After my bout with Mazi and Peter, I knew I couldn't handle having a rabbit for awhile, so I switched to three gorgeous and lively spice finches. Somehow birds lift my spirit and encourage my soul with their song and twitter. I think my soul cracked when I found two out of the three spice finches dead in their nest. The third just looked at me as if to say, "see, you should have been paying better attention, and now look what happened."

Granted, the crack is healable, but it will take time. It's worse knowing that I simply got distracted this past week and they didn't get the exercise or water that they needed. People often compliment my discipline and achievements, but my perception is that I am possibly the most undisciplined person on the planet, causing unnecessary pain to sweet little birds who do nothing but make life happier.

I have the audacity to lecture others that our careers are always dispensible, especially specific jobs, but then I let a couple of unexpected emergencies kill off the song that always makes me smile.