27 October 2008

Working from home...pleasure and discipline

Working from home has been the best choice for me since I tend to like my fingers in a myriad of issues, topics, and efforts. Also, the office environment drives me absolutely beserk. I know some offices are more professional than others, but I never cease to be amazed with the need for walking about talking to other people who are trying to work, the endless gossiping conversations, and the general lack of productivity. In my opinion, you have to have more discipline in an office environment (especially cubeland) than at home.

However, there are other issues faced with working from home, and I wanted to share the blog below that really helped define methods for top notch productivity in the home environment. Honestly, if you work in an office, but still do a lot of different activities at home, there are still some excellent tips in this post. Granted, not everything listed is for everybody, but there's enough here to pull something away for the positive.

A List Apart: Articles: Working From Home: The Readers Respond

(Also note the four most recently shared blog posts in my Shared List on the left for more interesting tidbits found in blogging land.)