03 December 2003

Some babbling...
Have you ever been able to take pleasure in deleting a voice mail only half way through when you know the voice mail contains complaining, whining, and other annoying aspects? I was extremely gratified to do just that this morning. Normally, if you can't get your name and number on my voice mail within 5 or 6 seconds, it has been deleted. Unfortunately, I cannot always do that with work voice mails. However, I was lucky enough to recognize the annoying pitch of of whiner this time, and since I had already addressed her issue via her email, I took great satisfaction of slamming 76 to forever blot her voice from my phone system.

I feel better now.

I was reading Might Matt's blog, and noticed his comment about playing Mario Kart on GameCube with Ball. Eric and I just bought each other the GameBoy Advance SP (another stellar example of my ability to wait until the appropriate time to exchange gifts) and I have heard that GB Advance SP games can be played on GameCube? Is that correct? Since I get RCA employee discounts, I had wanted to purchase a large screen TV, buy GameCube, PS, N64 (we have that), etc. and put them all in a lovely entertainment center that can be closed when not in use. I wanted the center to be custom made to hold appropriate handlers, etc. and give it to Eric for next year's anniversary or some kind of event. Unfortunately, I have zero idea of how to go about creating such a gigantic game arena, thus the reason why I'm sharing it where Eric can see it. I think it's a nice idea though. *sigh* Back to the drawing board of creative thinking...