12 December 2003

Worst Fax Paus Ever
Ever have a fear of posting something that you will never be able to delete? I have, but no more. There is nothing to fear once you've done it, right? I wasn't going to post on this, but why not? My humiliation is with my school peers, not you, so I figured I could at least make excuses to you. My excuses are as follows:

1) I'm very sick with the stupid flu
2) I had to cancel my trip to England next week because of my fever
3) My favourite relative ever in England has Alzheimers and has officially forgotten me. I just found this out.

One would think that a combination of these circumstances would consider it wise to not react to anything, or put myself in a position to react, because it's likely to be emotional and distorted. However, I truddle out of bed and go to my online class to see how another team has evaluated a course design that I had been working on with my team for an Instructional Design class. They had all good comments except for the assessments not being clear and questioning why we put references. Being mentally and physically unstable, I stomp-typed an email off to one of my team members and friend that was sarcastic about why we used references (to not plagerize!!) and how defensive I was feeling with their assessment comments.

*click* It's posted.

Oops, that was to the main (public) newsgroup, not the personal email to my friend. Now, my friend is well aware of my thoughts, as well as the instructor, other team, and anybody else in the class.

Never, ever, again, will I post, respond, or read things that will impact me when I'm already really upset.

I have deemed it ... unwise.